DRaaS or Tape?

08/13/2019 10:21 AM By Chuck F

Disaster recovery as a service grows, but tape won’t die

Disaster recovery, once associated mostly with a physical calamity, today is more likely related to data corruption to include malware attacks -- giving rise to DRaaS. This DR option not only backs up data to the cloud, but also enables rapid recovery. So why do we still use tape?

Overall business detections of malware rose 79 percent from 2017 to 2018 -- from about 40 million attack detections worldwide to 72 million -- according to anti-malware security vendor Malwarebytes.  While ransomware isn’t as significant a threat as it once was, it is still significant and there has been an increase in “focused, sophisticated attacks aimed at businesses,” Malwarebyte’s 2019 State of Malware report stated.

In fact, ransomware attacks rose by 142 percent from 2017 to 2018 (the latest data available). The only malware with a higher percentage increase year-over-year was backdoor attacks.

“Indeed, the only real spike in numbers has been in the realm of the workplace, with a distinct lack of interest and innovation aimed at consumers,” Malwarebytes’s report stated. “Malware authors pivoted in the second half of 2018 to target organizations over consumers, recognizing that the bigger payoff was in making victims out of businesses instead of individuals.”

Up to half of organizations could not survive if a natural disaster or severe malware attack eliminated or cut access to primary data stores because they don’t have a disaster recovery plan in place, according to Al Berman, CEO of the Disaster Recovery Institute (DRI) Foundation. Short of a company standing up a dedicated DR data center – as large financial services companies can afford to do –-- “the low hanging fruit” for most companies large and small is to subscribe to a DRaaS plan, Berman said...
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