Most Expensive Tech

03/08/2021 11:14 AM By Chuck F

What's the Most Expensive Tech in any Business?

The tech that is not being used!

Corporate-owned mobility devices and plans fall victim to this frequently. An employee leaves, turns in their corporate laptop, badge, mobile phone, tablet, etc. HR does it's thing. IT re-provisions devices. Over the months a few more staff leave and a few more join the team. Next thing you know there are a few dozen mobile lines on the bill that haven't been used in months. 

Things are moving fast and there's a lot going on. IT finally has a little time to update asset inventory. Accounting reconciles it with the monthly mobile bill, then someone realizes that you've been paying for two dozen mobile lines that aren't tagged to any user! Add to that you're constantly getting overages and can't make heads or tails of who is using how much of what.

There are several ways to manage that dauning monthly mobile plan, and no, it’s not hiring another employee. In fact, there are entire industries of managed services, software, and other solutions that will scour through bills and look at trends and usage so you can optimize your corporate mobile plan, dramatically reduce costs, and keep them low each month. 

The software is often referred to as Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) and can be a great tool, but only if you know what you’re doing and have staff that will keep up with it. Even for those companies that do it themselves it’s a good idea to have a third-party pro come in every now and then to do a one-time audit/cost optimization. These companies are usually referred to as Wireless Expense Management (WEM) services and they will do a deep-dive  inspection of recent bills and account inventories by mobile industry veterans. Even with a well-managed plan, these companies almost always uncover numerous areas of immediate savings.  These services are always budget neutral and they only get paid if and when they actually realize true savings and their payment only comes from a portion of the savings you realize. 

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Cloud 9 Advisers helps business leaders and understaffed IT teams that need a strategic partner, not just another vendor. We help decision-makers buy the right technology solutions and not “get sold” on the wrong ones. We work with you to rationalize and reduce technology spending without sacrificing technology itself and employ sound digital transformation principles and strategies.

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We are impartial, unbiased, and vendor-neutral technology practitioners with expertise in four critical segments: Cybersecurity, Communications, Connectivity, and Cloud. Our proprietary software contains decades of data and analytics on all of the 250+ vendors in our Supplier Portfolio. We’ll help you quickly identify, research, evaluate, and compare appropriate solutions and vendors; eliminating months of labor trying to do it on your own. We’ll help you make confident decisions quickly. 

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