Supplier Spotlight: GoTo / Jive

04/09/2020 7:55 PM By Chuck F

Ease the Transition to a Remote Workforce

Cloud 9 Supplier Spotlight: GoTo / Jive Communications

Ease the Transition to a Remote Workforce

To say things have dramatically changed over the past few weeks in the face of COVID-19 is a tremendous understatement. The promise of a remote workforce has been building steam for quite some time – but seemingly overnight, nearly everyone has been forced to accept remote work as their new normal.

LogMeIn's suite of Unified Communications and Collaboration (UCC) solutions have always helped people stay connected and be more productive whether they were in the office, at home, or on the move with a mobile device.

Today, however, the GoTo Suite of products are at the forefront of empowering a “work from anywhere” workforce. Still, we can’t accomplish this alone! We have a vast array of partners with tools and solutions that augment the GoTo functionality. The GoTo Marketplace provides integrations to tools that help people be more productive than ever. Whether you’re integrating GoToMeeting or GoToConnect with Microsoft Teams or escalating a Slack conversation to a video chat, we’ve got you covered.

We also have strategic alliances with companies like Poly, who provide solutions for workers regardless of where they are – whether it's a conference room, mobile device, the laptop in your home office, or even the kitchen table! Poly's vast array of products have you covered for all of your GoTo needs. And to make this transition to remote work just a little bit easier, Poly is generously offering a 20% discount (using code GOTOREMOTE20) on their remote work products. This includes headsets, personal speakerphones and video conferencing cameras, specifically for GoTo customers.

In addition, CirQlive is offering 3 free months of their Learning Management Solution (LMS) integration for GoTo with educators taking advantage of our LogMeIn Emergency Remote Work Kits. This enables teachers, who have been forced to abandon the classroom, to leverage the power of video to continue educating children. 

As an organization built to enable and support remote work, we knew we wanted to do our part in providing access to our products to those who need them most. And we couldn't be more delighted to see our partners stepping up as well.

Discover more remote work tips!

Still struggling with the transition to 100% online collaboration? We're here to help. Visit our Remote Work Resource Center for advice on managing a remote team, pivoting your in-person event strategy, and more.

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We are unified communications industry experts.  

Let's Cloud 9 help you optimize the technology you have in place for your forced remote workforce so you can continue to succeed in our new environment.

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GoTo/Jive’s customers include high-growth businesses and public sector institutions needing a scalable platform that is more flexible and cost-effective than their existing legacy systems. Jive’s cloud architecture offers an integrated, seamless experience that provides richer context and creates more efficient connections between co-workers and clients. Jive’s cloud delivery model ensures that each organization always has the latest technology, features, and applications—making Jive the last phone system you’ll ever need.

CLoud 9 Advisers is the expert in all unified communications platforms