Supplier Spotlight: Nextiva

04/14/2020 11:04 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Many organizations have shifted their tools and systems for remote teams for the first time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. For employees and employers, this is a major adjustment. Now is the time to optimize the rushed solutions set in place. Cloud 9 is here to help.

Supplier Spotlight: Dialpad

04/10/2020 7:18 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Work from anywhere with Dialpad. A modern phone system, for a modern workforce, born in the cloud. Move your phone system, conferencing and call center to the cloud. Support your modern, mobile workers. Work from anywhere and let Ai make every call a smarter call.

Supplier Spotlight: GoTo / Jive

04/09/2020 7:55 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
To say things have dramatically changed over the past few weeks in the face of COVID-19 is a tremendous understatement. The promise of a remote workforce has been building steam for quite some time – but seemingly overnight, nearly everyone has been forced to accept remote work as their new normal.

Supplier Spotlight: 8x8

04/09/2020 6:20 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Let’s face it, working from home is here to stay. And if you want your business to succeed, now is the ideal time to optimize your temporary remote practices that might be "good enough" now into something that you can scale and continue indefinitely as a team.

Supplier Spotlight: RingCentral

03/10/2020 9:07 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
FINALLY!, there is a way to use a third-party voice solution integrated with Microsoft Teams! RingCentral offers the largest ecosystem of integration apps in the communications and collaboration space to maximize productivity and efficiency.
