Change often brings challenges

05/03/2024 8:51 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Wake me up when it's all over!

VMware impact on CSPs

04/30/2024 6:39 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
The acquisition of VMware by Broadcom has left many scratching their heads and customers very concerned for many reasons. Not to worry Cloud 9 has you covered. Our experts and Supplier Portfolio are ready to help.

VMware: New Core Offerings

04/29/2024 3:35 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
VMware new core offerings represent a shift towards streamlined, subscription-only solutions, attempting to enhance customer value and innovation delivery

VMware journey

04/26/2024 3:27 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Get the guide. Get a plan. Changes to VMware will be impactful to many.

VMware changes

04/25/2024 3:02 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Change can be scary. VMware changes don't have to be a nightmare. Our team of experts is ready.

next level of CX

10/20/2023 9:32 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Today, “a bad social media review is mightier than the sword.” The contact center is on the front lines of whether your company’s brand is nurtured or damaged by a customer experience (CX).

The Procurement Process Is Changing

10/09/2023 4:04 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)

"As companies buy products and services around the world, procurement becomes steadily more complex." The procurement process is changing, and companies and industries need to be prepared. In a new article on Forbes, Peter Bendor-Samuel outlines the key trends that are shaping the future o...

Cloud Backups: The way to go!

06/19/2023 9:58 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
A cloud-based backup solution offers greater accessibility, scalability, redundancy, security, and cost-effectiveness than a traditional backup solution. Reach out to Cloud 9 Advisers for vendor-neutral, unbiased info and evaluation.


06/15/2023 9:40 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
SDWAN, SASE, cybersecurity, dual-link aggregation... There is so much to try to keep straight. Cloud 9 boils it down in simple terms. Learn more about why these "techs" might be right for your business.

Google or Microsoft?

03/27/2023 11:19 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Choosing between Google Workspace and Microsoft 365 ultimately depends on your organization's specific needs and priorities. Whatever you do, get pro/expert help from a trusted advisor that can ask the tough questions and get you on the right path and connected with the right managed partner!
