Mobile Expense Management

07/15/2021 7:23 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Optimize mobile plans based on the device type and usage. Get rid of unused or underutilized lines. Pool data to eliminate overages and roaming charges. Find and apply unknown rate plans, promos, and discounts.


07/13/2021 10:59 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Service providers that offer MDM services provide additional solutions and benefits by eliminating the constant routine and daily activities required to manage corporate mobile devices in-house freeing up time to focus staff on more important things.

IT has too much on their plate

03/18/2021 11:11 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
IT already has plenty on their plate as is. Managing the company’s entire Mobility program is a huge ask. Cloud 9 helps busy, understaffed IT get things done. We have a full back-office team of veteran Mobility/IoT experts. We’ve helped clients with 10, 100, and even 10,000+ mobile lines.

Control Costs (revisited)

02/18/2021 3:03 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
We are now almost one-year into this ridiculous pandemic. There is certainly the smell of rebound in the air. As talks of rebooting and restarting take root, executives are already feeling the pressure to optimize, reinvest, and continue to reduce costs to help keep their companies moving forward.

Supplier Spotlight: Granite

05/06/2020 5:09 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
We all know the big mobile carriers: Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile. Then there are the other consumer-level cell phone carriers we all hear about. But what about alternative mobile carriers for business?

Supplier Spotlight: MetTel Mobile

05/06/2020 1:18 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
MetTel’s partnership with the most trusted wireless carriers in the U.S. provides a reliable network to keep your mobile workforce connected. MetTel’s Deploy plan provides complete, end-to-end mobility management of corporate phones.
