Supplier Spotlight: CloudGenix

02/11/2020 9:45 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
An ESG survey of 600 senior IT decision makers showing that 76% of respondents had already deployed multi-cloud environments, and as many as 67% were already using SaaS-delivered business applications. How do you keep it secure?

SASE, the next-gen SD-WAN?

10/15/2019 12:47 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)

Gartner makes the claim that the shift to SASE will make obsolete existing networking and security models.

There’s a buzz in the industry about a new type of product that promises to change the way we secure and network our organizations. It is called the Secure Access Service Edge (SASE). It was fir...

CyberSecurity Basics

09/29/2018 12:27 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)

The following is a quick, simple list of must-dos to help businesses of all sizes protect themselves against cyber threats. 

  • Vulnerability Scanning

    • Doesn’t actually fix anything, but...

    • Shows “bad spots’”

    • Good services will show a plan of remediation

    • If subject to compliance (HIPPA, PCI, etc) recurr...

Cyber Security - What is the cost?

07/23/2018 1:50 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
what is the real cost of a cybersecurity breach? Are you too small to worry about these things? Are you willing to bet your business on your Firewall and the IT group managing it?
