Mobile Expense Management

07/15/2021 7:23 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Optimize mobile plans based on the device type and usage. Get rid of unused or underutilized lines. Pool data to eliminate overages and roaming charges. Find and apply unknown rate plans, promos, and discounts.


07/13/2021 10:59 AM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Service providers that offer MDM services provide additional solutions and benefits by eliminating the constant routine and daily activities required to manage corporate mobile devices in-house freeing up time to focus staff on more important things.

Care for some TEA?

03/11/2021 2:03 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
How much are those telecom, mobility, and cloud services really costing you? Let's have some TEA and we'll help you find out.

Care for some TEA?

03/11/2021 2:02 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
How much are those telecom, mobility, and cloud services really costing you? Let's have some TEA and we'll help you find out.

Bills Piling up: Tech expenses

03/10/2021 11:05 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Businesses have a rat’s nest of bills ranging from network, phone, mobile, and everything in between. With complex, cryptic, and hard-to-understand bills, businesses wind up spending far too much money each month on unnecessary expenses that can be reduced or, in some cases, eliminated.

Cutting Costs: Mobility Spend

03/10/2021 10:47 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
Company-provided mobile/wireless plans are easy targets for finding significant savings: with or without changing carriers, contracts, or switching SIMs and devices. Data overages make up, on average, more than 35 percent of a business’ mobile bill. Cloud 9 helps companies save big.

Controlling Costs

05/05/2020 10:08 PM By Chuck F - Comment(s)
As talks of re-starting the economy take root, executives will begin feeling the pressure to reduce costs to help keep their companies afloat.
