Silos Hinder Engagement

02/08/2021 2:29 PM By Chuck F

Are data and organizational silos hindering engagement?

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Data and departmental silos are a common problem for many companies. This is especially true for businesses that have grown quickly and/or acquired other firms along the way. Silos can lead to duplication of efforts, missed revenue opportunities, and slow response times to changing market conditions. Learn how to avoid silos in your organization by implementing enterprise-wide solutions that give everyone access to more data and across all departments.

Break down boundaries and barriers. Remove data and organizational silos. Good things happen when you connect people, experiences, and data across the enterprise. 

Customer expectations are high but resources could be limited to meet new challenges. This gap puts tremendous pressure on customer experience. 

Organizations today are challenged by dozens of customer engagement channels and millions of interactions… Trying to manage these with the same teams, the same tools, and the same resources creates a gap in both engagement and capacity.

This gap is the difference between resources available to meet customer demand and the exploding volume of customer interactions and communication channels. Today’s pace of change is so fast that most enterprises are ill-equipped to close the gap. Traditional call center/contact center tools and approaches simply don’t go far enough or only address part of the problem. Years of  add-ons cobbled together and custom development of legacy software may not be the best way either.

So what’s the answer? 

Keep the team, but get better tools! Get help to bridge the gap and find a compelling new way to break down the boundaries and barriers in your organization. Connecting people, experiences, and data across the enterprise to help brands compete and win in this new multimedia era is where it’s at (...I got two turntables and a microphone)! What’s required is a new set of capabilities that allows contact center and technology leaders to eliminate the constraints of data and organizational silos -- and to deliver consistently at scale across every customer interaction and media channel. 

Modern Contact Center solutions are poised to provide many answers that focus on closing the gap across the enterprise. But, even as good as the latest systems are, few are ever the perfect fit by themselves for every need. The right expert help can guide you to the best platforms and then the right specialized solutions that integrate seamlessly. 

Consumer behavior has changed a lot and is more demanding than ever. To meet these demands, you need a solution that will make it easier for your organization to interact with customers on the channels they prefer. They want a variety of ways to research, buy, and interact with organizations, solutions, and brands. Customers reward organizations that meet them where, when, and how they want to buy and interact.

But it’s far more than just the latest omnichannel platforms. It's the data, good analytics, and the ability to share that information across the entire enterprise. You need an open platform powered by analytics that allows your organization to drive real business outcomes, power the modern agent workforce, and connect what matters. 

You need the perfect balance of automation and human experience and the ability to manage your engagement data, with usable predictive analytics, so you can truly understand your customer, employee, brand, and product experience across all touchpoints. Learn more about contact center solutions that embrace the future of work, break down barriers, improved agent experience, and deliver a frictionless customer journey.

Cloud 9 helps iconic brands build enduring customer relationships by connecting enterprises with the right contact center solutions and the right contact center vendors. Our experts have decades of experience and impartial data on all the vendors in the industry. 

What are your plans in the first half of 2021 to resolve data and departmental silos that are hindering engagement in your organization?

Cloud 9 Advisers helps business leaders and their teams buy the right technology solutions and not to “get sold” on the wrong ones. We help rationalize and reduce technology spending without sacrificing technology itself. We do not sell solutions, we facilitate decisions by diagnosing the problems and pains you’re currently facing then prescribing the right procedures and “medication”. We are impartial, unbiased, and vendor-neutral. Our Vendor Selection & Management program provides research, evaluation, and comparison and guides clients through the entire decision-making and buying process; from helping to define the problem to negotiating an agreement with the final winning vendor. 

We are experts in Cybersecurity, Communications, Connectivity, and Cloud technologies and solutions. Our proprietary software contains decades of data and analytics on all of the 250+ vendors in our portfolio. We will quickly discover, refine, then match your requirements with the vendors’ capabilities; eliminating months of research trying to do it on your own.

Contact us and book an appointment today to learn more